Elektronická výměna dat


Electronic Data Interchange for Supply Chain Management (SCM) replaces paper documents and is usually used for exchange of the following messages:

  • Orders
  • Delivery recalls and their  JIT/JIS modifications
  • Delivery notes
  • Invoices or selfbilling according to Odette VDA / Edifact standards

The most common is the connection with partners using the OFTP2 communication protocol.

The solution also includes translation of messages into a standard internal format (iDoc SAP / R3, SQL SiStore WMS, etc.) and integration into ERP.

 Cloud EDIWeb EDIInhouse EDI



The connections are ready with Škoda Auto, Volkswagen, BMW, Daimler / Mercedes, Opel, General Motors, Witte, Plastic Omnium, PSA, Ford etc.



Overview of selected EDI messages

Message EN Name DE NameDescription
VDA4905Call-OffLieferabrufDelivery forecast call-off
(contract, material, plant, unloading point, consumption point, date, quantity etc.)
Odette Edifact DELFOR D97
VDA4915 JITJIT/JIS Call offJIT/JIS AbrufJIT/JIS delivery call-off
(contract, material, plant, unloading point, consumption point, date, time, quantity, order in transport rack etc.)
Odette Edifact DELJIT D97
Odette Edifact VDA4984 Global DELFOR
Odette Edifact VDA4985 Global DELJIT PUSPUS – Pickup SheetPick up sheet
VDA4913 ASNASNLieferavisElectronic advanced shipping note
Odette Edifact DESADV D97
Odette Edifact VDA4987 Global DESADV
VDA4908 InvoiceInvoiceRechnungElectronic standard invoice
Odette Edifact Invoice D97
Odette Edifact VDA4938 Invoice & SelfbillingSelfbilling InvoiceSelfbilling GutschriftElectronic standard and selfbilling invoice